Welcome to Lyme Talk Radio
Lyme Talk Radio, hosted by Dr. Pat Baccili is dedicated to the education awareness of Lyme Disease. Dr. Pat will be bringing the most innovative, groundbreaking information, research, treatments innovations, and stories from those it affects everyday.
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Tune-in to Lyme Talk Radio and help support our mission. We thank those of you who have been loyal listeners – we plan on enriching the platform for Lyme Disease awareness. The message will continue, the conversations will become stronger, and the healing will be Epic!
Featured as part of the Transformation Talk Radio Network and The Dr. Pat Show platform.

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Lyme News
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection primarily transmitted by ticks. These little devils hide very well in wooded or grassy areas. The most popular name for the bacteria carrying tick is the “deer tick”. A lot of people may think of Lyme as an East Coast disease, but the truth is that it is found throughout the United States, as well as in more than sixty other countries. It is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases of the century.